Classwork & Lab Solutions
Disclaimer: These files are not meant to be viewed as the “right answer, instead view them as a way to learn how another developer approached the same problem.
Lesson 03: Control Flow & Loops
Lesson 04: Functions & Scope
Lesson 05: Arrays & Objects
Lesson 06: DOM & jQuery
Lesson 07: DOM & jQuery II
Lesson 08: DOM & jQuery III
Lesson 09: HTTP and APIs
Lesson 10: Asynchronous JS and Promises
Lesson 11: Lab: SAT Vocab Flashcard App
Lesson 12: Project: Build a Slackbot
Lesson 13: Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
Lesson 14: Project OOP Order Checkout App Solution
Lesson 15: Intro to CRUD and Firebase
Lesson 16: Project: Firebase Todo App