Free Courses & Guides

Free Courses & Guides


Course / Site Description
Scrimba lots of free interactive video tutorials on various front-end technologies
FreeCodeCamp free interactive tutorials on all things front-end development
FreeCodeCamp free interactive tutorials on all things front-end development
Javascript Algorithms And Data Structures Certification Full FreeCodeCamp JS Course
Intro to JavaScript free JavaScript course from Udacity
JavaScript30 Build 30 things with vanilla JS in 30 days with 30 tutorials (free)
Practical JavaScript Free JS course


Course / Site Description
Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB Free node course from Coursera


Course / Site Description
Learn to Code HTML & CSS Visual and thorough HTML & CSS tutorial (covers some jQuery as well) Visual HTML/CSS Tutorial
CSS Diner interactive css selectors tutorial
Flexbox Froggy interactive flexbox tutorial
Flexbox Zombies interactive flexbox tutorial
Flexbox Defense interactive flexbox tutorial
CSS Grid Garden interactive css grid tutorial

Coding Challenge Sites

The following a list of sites that offer coding challenges (i.e. exercises) that will help you sharpen you programming skills: