Code Along: Git Branching & Merging

Code Along: Git Branching & Merging

Step 0: Navigate to your class folder on your command line

  • From your command line, navigate to your class folder (i.e. the folder named jsd)

Step 1: Set up your project directory

  • Navigate into the lesson_01_files directory (this assumes you are currently in your jsd directory)

    $ cd lesson_01_files
  • Create a new directory named nursery_rhymes

    $ mkdir nursery_rhymes
  • Navigate into the nursery_rhymes directory using the cd command

    $ cd nursery_rhymes
  • nursery_rhymes is where all the files for this project will reside

Step 2: Create git repository for our project

  • Let’s create a new git repository to track all the changes inside your nursery_rhymes project

  • Initialize a new repository by running the following command:

      $  git init

Step 3: Add a new files to the repository

  • Create two new files using the touch command

      $ touch humpty_dumpty.txt jack_be_nimble.txt
  • Open up your text editor and add the following content to humpty_dumpty.txt and save the file

      Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
      Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
      All the king's horses and all the king's men
      Couldn't put Humpty together again.
  • Next, add the following text to jack_be_nimble.txt and save the file

      Jack be nimble,
      Jack be quick,
      Jack jump over
      The candlestick.

Step 4: Stage and Commit your recent changes

  • Let’s stage the file so the changes can be moved from the “working directory” to the “staging area”

    $ git add .

git add . will add all files in the working directory to the staging area

  • Next, let’s commit the changes

    $ git commit -m "add initial nursery rhymes"

Step 5: Create a new branch

  • Branches allow developers work on a new feature without making any disruptive to changes to the main project (i.e. master branch) during the development of the feature

  • Git branches are created using the git branch {branch-name} command

  • Let’s create a new branch that will allow us to experiment with “remixes” to the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme

  • First let’s create a new branch named “humpty_dumpty_remix”

    $ git branch humpty_dumpty_remix
  • Confirm that the new branch was successfully created by running git branch (without the “name” option)

    $ git branch
  • You should receive the following output:

    `* master
  • Note that you should have two (2) branches listed: master and humpty_dumpty_remix

  • Also note that the asterisk (*) denotes which is currently active; we are currently “on the master branch”

Press the q key to escape from the git branch output in your terminal

  • In order to actually make changes on your new branch, we need to check it out so that it will be our “active branch”; otherwise, any changes we make now will be associated with our master branch

  • Run the following command to check out our humpty_dumpty_remix branch

    $ git checkout humpty_dumpty_remix

git checkout {branch_name} allows developers to switch between branches in their local repository

  • Output should look similar to the following:

    Switched to branch 'humpty_dumpty_remix'
  • You are now “on the humpty_dumpty_remix branch”

Step 6: Make changes on the feature branch

  • Open humpty_dumpty.txt in your text editor and change replace the last two lines of the nursery rhyme with the following lines; save the file:

    He didn't get bruised he didn't get bumped
    Humpty Dumpty bungee jumped!
  • Run git diff to observe the line-by-line differences; your output should look like the following:

    diff --git a/humpty_dumpty.txt b/humpty_dumpty.txt
    index 9516671..b5eeca0 100644
    --- a/humpty_dumpty.txt
    +++ b/humpty_dumpty.txt
    @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
     Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
     Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
    -All the king's horses and all the king's men
    -Couldn't put Humpty together again.
    +He didn't get bruised he didn't get bumped
    +Humpty Dumpty bungee jumped!

Step 7: Stage and Commit your recent changes

  • Let’s stage the file so the changes can be moved from the “working directory” to the “staging area”

    $ git add humpty_dumpty.txt
  • Next, let’s commit the changes

    $ git commit -m "remix humpty dumpty nursery rhyme"
  • Run git log to review the latest commit history

    commit c6e54274bb0d6984e21622cb58274f48a80dc7d9 (HEAD -> humpty_dumpty_remix)
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Mon Aug 5 18:58:02 2019 -0400
        remix humpty dumpty nursery rhyme
    commit 7edef5f21ddf4b42afb72c079cd03f3e2267e32c (origin/master, master)
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Mon Aug 5 16:36:50 2019 -0400
        Add initial nursery rhymes
  • Note that our recent commit lives on the humpty_dumpty_remix branch

Step 8: Merge the changes into the master branch

  • We’re happy with our changes and now we’re ready to merge the changes into the master branch

  • First, we need to move back to the master branch (we are currently on the humpty_dumpty_remix branch)

  • We accomplish this by using the git checkout {branch_name} command

    $ git checkout master
  • The output should confirm that you successfully switched back to the master branch

    Switched to branch 'master'
  • Now let’s merge the recent changes from our humpty_dumpty_remix branch into the master branch

  • Merges in git are accomplished using the git merge command

    $ git merge humpty_dumpty_remix
  • The output should be similar to the following:

    Updating 7edef5f..c6e5427
     humpty_dumpty.txt | 4 ++--
     1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
  • The “fast-forward” reference means that Git was able to do an expedited merge because no conflicts were found (reference)

  • Run git log to review the latest commit history

    commit c6e54274bb0d6984e21622cb58274f48a80dc7d9 (HEAD -> master, humpty_dumpty_remix)
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Mon Aug 5 18:58:02 2019 -0400
        remix humpty dumpty nursery rhyme
    commit 7edef5f21ddf4b42afb72c079cd03f3e2267e32c (origin/master)
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Mon Aug 5 16:36:50 2019 -0400
        Add initial nursery rhymes
  • Notice that the HEAD (pointer which usually points to the most recent commit) is now on the master & the humpty_dumpty_remix branch; this means that our latest commit are up-to-date on both branches

Step 9: Delete the feature branch

  • Next, we’ll delete the feature branch because it’s no longer needed (the feature has been merged to master)

  • To delete a branch we’ll use the git branch -d {name_of_branch}

    $ git branch -d humpty_dumpty_remix
  • The expected output should look similar to the following:

    Deleted branch humpty_dumpty_remix (was c6e5427).

Step 10: Create and checkout a new branch

  • Let’s create and check out a new branch that we’ll use to experiment with additional changes to jack_be_nimble.txt`

  • Enter the following command to create a new branch and check it out at the same time

    $ git checkout -b update_jack_be_nimble
  • Here’s what the output should look like

    Switched to a new branch 'update_jack_be_nimble'

git checkout -b {new_branch_name} uses the -b flag to checkout the newly created branch immediately after creating the branch

Step 11: Make additional changes

  • Let’s makes some updates to our other nursery rhyme

  • Run git branch to confirm that you are currently on the update_jack_be_nimble branch

  • Open jack_be_nimble.txt in your text editor and replace all references to “Jack” with “Jill”; save the file

Step 12: Stage and Commit your recent changes

  • Stage the file so the changes can be moved from the “working directory” to the “staging area”

    $ git add jack_be_nimble.txt
  • Next, let’s commit the changes

    $ git commit -m "change references from jack to jill in 'jack be nimble'"

Step 13: Change back to the master branch and make a ‘conflicting’ change

  • Next, we’re going to create a merge conflict on purpose and learn how to properly handle those conflicts

  • Run git branch to confirm that you are currently on the master branch

  • Open jack_be_nimble.txt in your text editor and change all references to “Jack” to “Jennifer”; save the file

Step 14: Stage and Commit your recent changes

  • Stage the file so the changes can be moved from the “working directory” to the “staging area”

    $ git add jack_be_nimble.txt
  • Next, let’s commit the changes

    $ git commit -m "change references from jack to jennifer in 'jack be nimble'"

Step 15: Attempt to merge “update_jack_be_nimble” into “master”

  • Let’s see what happens when we attempt to merge the update_jack_be_nimble branch into the master branch

  • Ensure you are currently on the master branch and run the following command:

    $ git merge update_jack_be_nimble
  • You should receive output that resembles the following:

    Auto-merging jack_be_nimble.txt
    CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in jack_be_nimble.txt
    Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
  • Git is informing us that it was not able to automatically merge the two branches due to a merge conflict

Step 16: View the merge conflict

  • Open jack_be_nimble.txt in your text editor; you should see the following:

        <<<<<<< HEAD
    Jennifer be nimble,
    Jennifer be quick,
    Jennifer jump over
    Jill be nimble,
    Jill be quick,
    Jill jump over
    >>>>>>> update_jack_be_nimble
    The candlestick.
  • Note that some additional text has been added to our file:

    • <<<<<<< HEAD

    • =======

    • `>>>>>>> update_jack_be_nimble

  • Think of these new lines as “conflict dividers”

    • The ======= line is the “center” of the conflict.

    • All the content between the center and the <<<<<<< HEAD line is content that exists in the current branch master which the HEAD ref is pointing to

    • Alternatively all content between the center and >>>>>>> update_jack_be_nimble is content that is present in our merging branch

Step 16: Resolve the merge conflict

  • We’re going to fix the merge conflict by directly editing the file and removing the conflict dividers and any changes that we’ve determined (after discussing with our team) should be updated and/or deleted

  • It’s been determined that the new name of our nursery rhyme subject should be “Jill”

  • Remove all the conflict lines and the lines that start with “Jennifer”; save the file

  • jack_be_nimble.txt should look like the following after the changes:

    Jill be nimble,
    Jill be quick,
    Jill jump over
    The candlestick.
  • Next, run git add jack_be_nimble.txt to stage our changes

  • Then commit the changes using git commit

    $ git commit -m "merged and resolved conflict in jack_be_nimble.txt"
  • Run a git log to view the updated commit history; the output should look similar to the following:

    On branch master
    commit fd13059a4f83b0746ab95bb9aaf34c74ce8f74f6 (HEAD -> master)
    Merge: e82c6db 8fddf9d
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Tue Aug 6 09:57:34 2019 -0400
        merged and resolved conflict in jack_be_nimble.txt
    commit e82c6db31408abfbe34a9917c75fa3e7be4e6053
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Tue Aug 6 09:35:06 2019 -0400
        change references from jack to jennifer in 'jack be nimble'
    commit 8fddf9dd40a77f94b10cab353f56e1fabddeeefb (update_jack_be_nimble)
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Tue Aug 6 09:32:59 2019 -0400
        change references from jack to jill in 'jack be nimble'
    commit 7f102fe037156f74aa891e05c7779edddcb27531
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Tue Aug 6 09:27:56 2019 -0400
        remix humpty dumpty nursery rhyme
    commit 8409ae16180d09e67187330718c86310600bbb70
    Author: Kareem Grant <>
    Date:   Tue Aug 6 09:26:30 2019 -0400
        add initial nursery rhymes
  • Congrats! You’ve successfully resolved our merge conflict