Git Workflow for Submitting Assignments

Step 0: Fork the Assignment Repository

  • This step is only done once per project

  • Every assignment will be accompanied by repository url on GitHub

  • Click on the provided url and then fork the repository

Step 1: Clone the project down to your computer

  • This step is only done once per project

  • While on the repository page of the forked repository, click on the “Clone or Download” button

  • Copy the provided url (you may need to click on “Use HTTPS” if you don’t have SSH configured (ssh instructions)

  • Use your command line to navigate to the desired directory / folder

  • Then type the following command:

    $ git clone paste-url-to-remote-repository-on-github-here

Step 2: Work on Assignment in text editor, Commit and Push

  • This step is done as many times as needed

  • Next step is to use your text editor to work on the assignment

  • You should be using the best practice of committing as often as needed (this is especially important when working on larger assignments and projects)

  • You should also periodically push your code to GitHub using git push so your local and remote repositories stay in sync

  • Once you’ve completed the assignment the next step is to submit a Pull Request

Step 3: Submit your completed assignment using a Pull Request

  • This step is only done once per project

  • Before proceeding, please ensure that your latest changes have pushed to GitHub

  • Next submit a Pull Request by following the instructions in the video below: