

Requirement #1: Add Create Functionality

When users attempt to add a new task using the #addItem form, the task should be successfully saved in the app’s Firebase database. Within your Firebase database, the name of the new task should be stored as name and the completed value of every newly created task should be set to false

Requirement #2: Add Read Functionality

The Doit app should list all tasks stored in your Firebase database within the #taskList div. Make sure you comment out the hardcoded tasks after you’ve successfully completed this step.

Requirement #3: Add Update Functionality

2a: Users should be able update a task name and have that change reflected in the app’s Firebase database.

2b: Users should be able toggle the checkbox (i.e. check and uncheck) to change the completed status of a task. The updated completed status (resulting from a checkbox change) should be reflected in the app’s Firebase database.

Requirement #4: Add Delete Functionality

Users should be able delete a task and have that task also deleted from the app’s Firebase database.