
What is Inheritance?

  • Often we find commonality between our classes — repeated code that we’d like to consolidate

  • Subclasses let us incorporate another class’s state and behavior into our own

  • This process is often called inheritance, and our subclass is said to “inherit” from a parent class, also called a superclass

  • Inheritance can avoid duplication and simplify the implementation of a class that needs the same data and functions as another class


  class Animal {
    constructor(name, weight) {
      this._name = name
      this._weight = weight

    eat() {
      return `${this._name} is eating!`

    sleep() {
      return `${this._name} is going to sleep!`

    wakeUp() {
      return `${this._name} is waking up!`

  class Gorilla extends Animal {
    constructor(name, weight, height) {
      super(name, weight)

      // property not shared with Animal class
      this._height = height

    get height() {
      return this._height

    climbTrees() {
      return `${this._name} is climbing trees!`

    poundChest() {
      return `${this._name} is pounding its chest!`

    showVigour() {
      return `${this.eat()} ${this.poundChest()}`

    dailyRoutine() {
      return `${this.wakeUp()} ${this.poundChest()} ${this.eat()} ${this.sleep()}`

  const gorilla = new Gorilla('George', '160Kg')

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