Static Methods

Static Methods

  • Static method calls are made directly on the class and are not callable on instances of the class

  • Static methods are prepended with the static keyword

  class Car {
    constructor(make, model, price) {
      this._make = make
      this._model = model
      this._price = price

    // instance methods

    get price() {
      return this._price

    drive() {
      console.log('calling "this" in an instance method', this)
      console.log(`driving ${this._make} ${this._model}`)

    // static method
    static mostExpensiveCar(cars) {
      console.log('calling "this" in a static method', this)
      return cars.sort((a, b) => b.price - a.price)[0]

  // Create 3 instances of the Car class
  const car1 = new Car("honda", "accord", 20000)
  const car2 = new Car("aston martin", "db7", 110000)
  const car3 = new Car("bmw", "5 series", 50000)

  // call static method mostExpensiveCar() on the Class (Car)
  // not the instance
  const priceyCar = Car.mostExpensiveCar([car1, car2, car3])

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