When users press the “Get New SAT Word” button the following should happen:
The application should make an API request the to the API endpoint below to receive a random SAT vocabulary word:
GET https://sat-words-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/words/random
Note: This API does not require an API key
The application should display both the word and its definition in the UI
After receiving the Random SAT word, make an API request to the endpoint below to get the associated Scrabble Score for the word:
GET https://scrabble-scorer-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1/words/score?word=add_your_word_here
Note: The request parameter: word
is required; this API does not require an API Key
Promises must be used to make consume / handle the API responses
Axios must be used to make the API requests
Vanilla Promise Syntax or Async/Await can be used