

Requirement #1: Make API Request to the SAT Vocabulary API to fetch Random SAT Word

When users press the “Get New SAT Word” button the following should happen:

  • The application should make an API request the to the API endpoint below to receive a random SAT vocabulary word:


    Note: This API does not require an API key

  • The application should display both the word and its definition in the UI

Requirement #2: Make a 2nd API Request to fetch a Scrabble score for the Random SAT word

  • After receiving the Random SAT word, make an API request to the endpoint below to get the associated Scrabble Score for the word:


Note: The request parameter: word is required; this API does not require an API Key

  • Display the Scrabble Score in the UI

Requirement #3: API calls must use Promises

  • Promises must be used to make consume / handle the API responses

  • Axios must be used to make the API requests

  • Vanilla Promise Syntax or Async/Await can be used