In the HTTP response that is sent to a client, the status code, which is a three-digit number, is accompanied by a reason phrase (also known as status text) that summarizes the meaning of the code
Along with the HTTP version of the response, these items are placed in the first line of the response, which is therefore known as the status line.
The status codes are classified by number range, with each class of codes having the same basic meaning
The range 100-199 is classed as Informational
200-299 is Successful
300-399 is Redirection
400-499 is Client error
500-599 is Server error
Check out HTTP Status Dogs for a fun way to learn the different status codes
404 means resource not found
Let’s see an example of how some websites handle situations where users try to navigate to a page on their site that doesn’t exist
Try navigating to the following url:
Open up your developer tools and navigate to the “Network” tab; see if you can find the 404 response returned from Github’s servers