jQuery offers an .ajax()
method that can be used to make API calls
Example of an AJAX call using jQuery’s $.ajax method
url: 'some/url/specified/by/api',
type: "GET",
data: { name: 'bob' }
.done(() => {
// execute this function if request is successful
.fail(() => {
// execute this function if request fails
alert('error occurred')
propertiesHere are some of the commonly used properties of the $.ajax()
url: address where the request is being sent
type: HTTP method that is being used for the request (i.e. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), most of the time you’ll be using GET or POST
data: data to be sent to the server, for GET requests, this info will be added to the url value
done: function that will be called if request is successful
fail: function that will be called if request fails
Click here more information about the $.ajax() method
function search (term) {
const url = 'https://api.giphy.com/v1/gifs/search'
// this is the public beta key, sign up for production if you want this to be live on the web
// In a real project, NEVER store your API keys in Git
const apiKey = '2qqBvRkz56JiTUcMbOJbak5VRRLEbV84'
// Makes an API request to the giphy server with a request for data using the search term
// This uses jQuery's .ajax() function
console.log('step 2: make http request using $.ajax().')
url: url,
type: 'GET',
data: { q: term, api_key: apiKey }
.done((response) => {
console.log('step 3a: call this function if request is successful')
.fail((error) => {
console.log('step 3b: call this function if request errors out')
console.log('Step 1: invoke AJAX function.')
console.log('Step 4: End of JS file.')