Bracket notation is another way to to access a key’s value is by using bracket notation, [ ]
To use bracket notation to access an object’s property, we pass in the property name (key) as a string
superHero['secret identity']
We must use bracket notation when accessing keys that have numbers, spaces, or special characters in them
Remember, object keys are always strings
const superHero = {
'secret identity': 'Peter Parker',
name: 'Spiderman',
powers: ['super strength', 'hyper awareness', 'agility', 'genius intellect'],
age: 17
console.log(superHero["secret identity"])
const superHero = {
'secret identity': 'Peter Parker',
name: 'Spiderman',
powers: ['super strength', 'hyper awareness', 'agility', 'genius intellect'],
age: 17
const attribute = "name"
// use the 'attribute' variable to access a property in superHero
const attributeValue = superHero[attribute]
// This is the result of trying the same thing using dot notation
console.log(superHero.attribute) // undefined