Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators

  • Mathematical symbol that can act on two values (or variables) and produce a result

  • JavaScript adheres to the PEDMAS approach when determining the order of operations

Description Operator Example
Addition + 7 + 8
Subtraction - 34 - 12
Multiplication * 3 * 5
Division / 42 / 6
Modulus (Remainder) % 13 % 6 (returns 1, as 6 goes into 13 twice, leaving 1 as the remainder )
Exponential ** 4 ** 2 (returns 16 or 4 * 4)
Increment ++ 9++ (returns 10)
Decrement -- 37-- (returns 36)


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Add the following expressions in the jsbin below and evaluate the result; use console.log() to print the result. Don’t forget to press “run” after adding your code.

  1. 45 % 3

  2. 8 / 2 * (2 * 2)

  3. 8**3

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