Course Tools

Text Editor:

  • Why?: Text editor is a program that developers use to create and edit a range of programming language files. We’ll be using Atom, because it’s open source (free) and really good.

  • Download Atom



  • Why?: Github (and Git) are tools/applications used to by developers to manage their code and work collaboratively with each other. You’ll be using Github/Git to submit our homework assignments. kj

  • Create a Github Account


  • Why?: Is a popular chat application that we’ll be using as our primary method of communication both during and outside of class

  • Join the GA NYC Part Time Students Slack Community slack channel

    • You should have received an emailed invitation to join GA’s slack team

    • Don’t see an invitation in your inbox? Check your spam folder - many of Slack’s invitation emails tend to end up there. Let me know if you weren’t sent an invite and we’ll get you sorted out.

  • Add yourself to the dedicated Slack Channel for our class named #jsr-826 (see instructions on how to join a Slack Channel here)

